you'll get all benefits of your Log footage, with a much better data transformation and nicer (and in my opinion more accurate) results. If you set a clip's IDT to 709 it will remain unchanged (for stuff that came this way, to check your log or for any other reason)Ħ.
Or set IDT manually from thumbnails in Color room or in Media Pool.ĥ. (IDT) to sLog2 (if all/most of your clips are like that)Ĥ. Set Output Device Transform (ODT) to 709ģ. In Color Management tab in Settings - pick ACEScctĢ. It supports sLog 2, does it wonderfully well, and once you get the hang of it, you'll never want to go back to using LUTs.ġ.
You should really look into switching to working with ACES color management over LUTs. I downloaded the official 3D lut from the Sony website but it limits the highlights to about 800 IRE. Mark_Rodriquez wrote:Is there a 3D lut for Sony SLOG 2 that works?